Wednesday, November 21, 2012

When I was a kid, I enjoyed painting pictures with words as much as drawing my own comic books. I learned to focus the eye of the viewer inside me and surprised myself with the mystery of creativity. One millennium later, on my way home from the library, I found ancient Kodachrome negatives next to a church that was built in the 1930s on Prospect Avenue in The South Bronx. To illustrate vision on the future of history, I scanned the items from the 1960s into Win98. I used Adobe to make art out of garbage.

At least, the way I see it.

I dedicate this work to Ms. Flan, my art teacher at P.S 161 and to the mysterious Ms Lewandoski who painted in her studio machines and microchips that talked to me until they reactivated my Wonder Years. Thank you for the art insight.

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